Monday, February 28, 2011

Starting Again

Dear Hope,
We are back at it. Well maybe…. Timing this month may not be on my side. So I went for blood work on my Day 3  and all of my blood work came back in normal ranges. (BLOOD LEVELS: E2 Level: 39.0 /FSH Level: 4.28 /LH Level: 1.28 /P4 Level: 0.424) Next step is to start Ovulation Predictor Tests starting on Day 10 (March 4th).  So… depending on when I ovulate, it will determine if we are able to go ahead with our next IVF cycle.  This is because if I ovulate on schedule (Day 14), I would start the Lupron injections a week later and then shortly after I start the stimulating injections to get my eggs cookin! However, I will be out of town the last week of March for work, which is the prime time for possible egg retrieval.  I am soooo frustrated because that would mean I would have to wait another cycle before we can start.  I know I should be patient and after all this time what’s another month…. But I am just ready to be done with this step of the process.
 I am taking this time to do whatever I can to set us up for the best possible cycle.  I am working out more, eating healthier, and I have started a regular schedule of ACUPUNCTURE!!!!!!  I went for my 1st appointment last Friday and I really enjoyed it.  I felt so relaxed and a sense of tranquility came over me.  Although looking down at my body filled with hundreds of needles was a little freaky!!!!  Maybe next time I will just keep my eyes shut!  But overall it still was a great experience and can’t wait to go again.  I have read a lot about the benefits of acupuncture and have read that it can actually increase the chances of getting pregnant. I will do anything at this point… if the dr told me to walk backwards and only eat lima beans I would do it! But as we all know, it’s not that easy.  So I am hoping that the acupuncture will be the difference this time and we can finally move forward. 

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