Dear Hope,
Well it is true… “Aunt Flo” has come to town!!!! I know you are probably thinking this is a bad thing but after 43 days of no period I am thrilled. My body and hormones have been so out of whack (just ask Brian…sorry!) that I am so glad to be on to my next step. So this also meant I could call in my “day 1” to my dr and get scheduled to go in for an ultrasound and blood work on day 3 (today-2/2/11). So I went in today for morning monitoring and the dr walked in looked at me, looked my chart smiled and said isn’t this “de ja vu”. Unfortunately yes… I told him I am hoping that this is lucky cycle #4!!!!
The ultrasound went well… My uterus and Ovaries looked good (believe it or not by now I actually know what to look for on the ultrasound screen and can tell what is normal) The dr counted out about 10 follicles in the right ovary and 14 in the left. Not every follicle will be mature or even produce an egg but it’s a great start! The ultrasound is never a fun thing, but at least this means that I can continue on with this process. My blood work also came back good (E2 Level: 66.5 /P4 Level: 0.369). So I will continue on the Lupron Injections and start the Low dose HCG and the Gonal F injections tonight. Not looking forward to sticking myself 3 times each night but I am a pro at this by now!!! Not something I had on my bucket list to overcome but I guess can I can mark it off!
Next step… ultrasound and blood work on Saturday 2/5 to check on my progress.
Just for the record - morning monitoring for those that don’t know is between 6am-730am… so on top of all the medications now you know why I am so tired when I go through a cycle. It’s not the ideal way to start the day but as long as things are progressing I am happy and hoping that this will be the last time I have to go through this.
More updates to come…
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