Saturday, February 5, 2011


Dear Hope,
I went to morning monitoring (very early for a Saturday) today and so far things are progressing great!  The dr said I was off to a good start and even said my follicles looked “beautiful”.  It’s a weird feeling to get excited about your insides… but I’ll take it!  He measured 2 in my left ovary about 10mm and 12 smaller ones and 2 in my right ovary about 11mm and about 10 smaller ones.  So, each ultrasound they are looking for the follicles to continue to grow but the goal is to have each grow at a consistent pace.  They want the majority of the follicles to be able to be at a mature stage for the egg retrieval. When they reach about 20-25mm is when I will be ready for my “trigger shot” and 36 hours from that will be by egg retrieval.  My blood work also came back ok (E2 Level: 284  and P4 Level: 0.430) so my medication protocol will stay the same.  Next step… blood work and ultrasound on Monday.  Grow “follies” Grow!!!!
 I am planning on going to the Somerset office to have my monitoring done by my dr.  I have been going to RMA’s new and a lot closer to home location in Eatontown.  How it works is that each dr at RMA is responsible for set days at certain locations. So even though my dr will make the decisions on my care I often see different drs in the practice.  They are all wonderful but I love my dr the best and I have a few questions I want to go over with her.   Brian and I are in a unique situation… as you know we have one embryo frozen and decided to do another cycle in hopes that we will get at least one if not multiple embryos before we do the genetic testing and transfer.  I want to go over with her a few scenarios so I know what to try and plan for.  But as I have found out in the past, much of this is a “game day decision” and as much as I want to plan I never can know what will happen for sure.  So for my own sanity, if I at least know somewhat to expect I will be less stressed (if that’s even possible).  Let’s HOPE for a good day Monday as I continue to keep thinking positive thoughts.

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