Saturday, January 15, 2011

IVF #3 Results

 Dear Hope,

As I wrote in my last post I underwent my 3rd IVF cycle in December.  I had my Egg Retrieval on December 9, 2010.  They retrieved 12 eggs, 9 were mature and 6 fertilized! My best numbers yet!!!  I found out on Sunday (day 3-December 12th) that all 6 were still growing and that they were pushing the embryos to Day 5. I was so excited and as usually the planning of my future in my head began.  I was finally thinking that this was my time and that all 6 were going to make it and I would do the PGD testing and be able to transfer.  Of course I let me myself get excited and think how great it was going to be to surprise everyone at Christmas and tell them I was pregnant.  But once again I soon realized that was not going to be the case.  On Day 6 my nurse called to let me know that only one embryo made it and they froze that one.  I was devastated!  How could it be that in one day I went from having 6 to 1???  So immediately requested that my Dr call me to explain.  When she called she explained that at day 5 of the 6 embryos only 2 had made it to the blastocyct stage and the other 4 were of poor quality and even if they made it, they wouldn't survive the freeze.  Even though I was still upset at least I had some understanding of what had happened.  I then felt very grateful that one embryo had made it and hopefully that will be my future baby!!!!  So........  I will be taking one cycle off and then starting this crazy process again. We hope to get at least one more embryo before we do the genetic testing and  transfer.  Wish us luck.....


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