Thursday, December 22, 2011

7 Months down!!! Only 2 more to go!!!

Dear Hope,
On Monday 12/19 I had another check up with my dr and everything went great! Once again the baby had a strong heartbeat which is always so great to hear. I also found out the results of my Glucose Tolerance Test…. I passed with “flying colors”!!! 

Today marks 7 months down only 2 more to go!!!  I can’t believe how fast the last few months have gone! I can remember when we first found out we were pregnant and thinking that February was so far away and now it is just around the corner. 
I am leaving tomorrow to head to Buffalo for the holidays… I can’t wait to spend a whole week with my family and friends! It is going to be a very busy week but all worth it!!! I am also looking forward to my Baby Shower which my Mom and my 2 Aunts (Aunt Sue and Aunt Pat) are throwing for me! There was a day not too long ago that I wasn’t sure if I would ever get to celebrate the welcoming of a baby.  So now that it is here words can’t even express how lucky and blessed I feel!  It will truly be a CELEBRATION!!!!
Next dr appointment is Monday January 2nd

Monday, December 12, 2011

Update on Baby Gabriel

Dear Hope,
So I am a little late with the update but wanted to get it out…
 I had a regular check up with Dr. Lambert on December 2nd and once again everything was great!!!  My belly was measuring right on schedule and the heartbeat was strong and steady! My dr was nice enough to even let me tape the sounds of the heartbeat when she did the check with the Doppler. So I was able to send it out to some of our family as a little surprise!!!! 
I also had my “Glucose Tolerance Test”…  Basically I had to drink this very very sugary drink (kinda tasted like the “little hugs” drinks we had as kids) and then an hour later they drew blood to see how well my body could break down the sugars.  Luckily I didn’t receive a call back so I am guessing everything is ok and but I will ask about it more at my next appointment.  
I did reach a HUGE milestone… I know go to the dr EVERY 2 weeks (was at every 4 before- Then once I hit 36 weeks I will go every week).  I can’t believe how fast time is going by…
Next appointment is Friday December 16th. 
PS- Today (December 12th) I had a slight scare…. I had a horrible headache so I checked my blood pressure and it was 140/80 and my pulse was 110.  Both very high for me so I called my dr and she asked me to come in to just check things out and make sure baby was doing ok.  When I saw the dr my BP was still a little high but the baby sounded great and she wasn’t concerned.  She did tell me to go home for the day and rest.  Dr’s orders…. So a nice nap and catching up on some TV was my day. I am feeling better and although I knew everything was going to be ok, I am glad I checked things out!

Baby wants to say Hi!

1st video is just the sound of the heartbeat from my drs appointment 
 (not sure if it will be loud enough to hear...)

This Video is from December 5th
I'm laying down trying to catch the baby's kicks on video. Hard to see but there is a little jump in my belly right away in the video then again after I tap my belly with my fingers- look to the left side of my belly to see it.
(I'll try to catch a better video of her kicking again but
everytime I try to video of course she stops)

NJ Family Baby Shower ~ November 26th

Dear Hope,
So I wanted to share some pictures and memories from my recent Baby Shower that Brian’s family had for me over thanksgiving.  I am so grateful and feel so lucky that they wanted to make a special day for us to celebrate Baby Gabriel.  What made it even more special was that Brian’s mom was able to be in town for it and celebrate too. 
Although the entire day was so wonderful I had a few special moments that will be with me forever.  The 1st was when Brian’s sister Heather and his mom began singing their version of “Hush Little Baby”.  Definitely never heard this version but we got it on video – thank goodness because I think this may be a new tradition that I will be singing to our baby girl too.  The next special moment was when Eileen gave me the handmade blankets and bibs that were from Brian’s Nana and a special Blanket that Eileen made just for Brian when he was a baby.  I can’t wait to wrap my baby in the blankets and sing “Hush Little Baby”. I’ll tell her the history of these family heirlooms  and how we are so lucky to have been given these amazing gifts. 

Me, Nana, and Aunt Heather

Nana showing me the book she made
"all about her" for the Baby

I think she liked it :)

A little gift for Eileen from the baby
(An amethyst beaded bracelet with
an engraving of "Nana" on the charm)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

6 Months down only 3 more to go!!!

Dear Hope,
Today marks 6 months down and only 3 to go!!!! It is even more special because Brian and I are out in Arizona visiting his mom for a few days! Luckily the baby has been very cooperative and Eileen has been able to feel her kick and even feel her when she had the hiccups!  We are then all headed back to NJ to celebrate Thanksgiving with the rest of Brian’s family.  I am so thankful that we have this special time to spend with his mom and his family.  This past year has really put things in perspective and although there has been such heartache and sadness at times there has also been so much joy and so many memories made. I think we have all learned to take each day as it comes and be grateful for every day that we have. Most importantly, If I think about what I am truly thankful for, it all comes down to the people in my life and the memories that we share. 
I can’t forget to mention that this weekend Brian’s family is throwing me a baby shower!!!!!  I am so excited to celebrate our baby girl and even more excited that Brian’s mom will be there to celebrate too!!! I have sneaky suspicion that our baby girl is going to be spoiled rotten!!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Dr appt update...

Dear Hope,
Today marks 24 weeks 5 days pregnant… 160days down only 106 to go!!!!
So today I had a routine drs appointment today and while I was there I mentioned that I have been feeling some uncomfortable pressure and cramping when I am on my feet a lot or when I would do a lot of walking. In my heart I knew that it was probably just that everything is growing and stretching and the dr agreed but sent me for an ultrasound just in case. 
Well as suspected everything was fine!!!!  My little miracle was perfect as could be! She is now measuring at 1lb 13oz!!!  The best part was when I could see her tiny mouth moving and making a "sucking" motion! I could also see her eyes fluttering!!!  So amazing!!!  When she was trying to get a good picture of her legs and feet she kept crossing her legs and wiggling her toes! It was so cute!
Here are a few pictures… like I said she was very active so we couldn’t get a good profile picture but she did capture a face on picture that is very defined.
Next appointment is Dec 2nd – I will also be doing the 1hr Glucose Tolerance Test that day.  From what I hear not too fun… I will drink this sugary drink then an hour later they will take blood to see how well my body can break it down. 


Sunday, October 23, 2011

5 month Belly Picture

Dear Hope,
Saturday October 22nd (22weeks 3 days) marks 5 full months of being pregnant so here are a few Belly shots to show my ever growing belly!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

More than half way there!!!!

Dear Hope,
Ok so I haven’t been the best in updating my blog… who would have thought planning for a baby could be so time consuming! So here is a little update to catch everyone up on Baby Gabriel.
September 9th – I had my 16 week check up with Dr Lambert (OB) and everything went great baby’s heartbeat was strong and steady and everything seemed to be going along as planned.  
Later that day I flew back to Buffalo for a long weekend to visit family and celebrate my Goddaughter Molly’s 4th birthday!!!! I also had a “girls” day on Saturday with my mom, sister, Aunt Pat, and Grandma (GG- great grandma to baby).  Baby Girl and I were spoiled rotten when My Aunt bought us the nursery furniture collection (2 dressers and crib) and my Gram bought the most comfortable glider and ottoman (for all those late nights) and the entire crib bedding set!!!!  It is all so nice and I can’t wait to set up the room!!!!
September 17th – I think I felt the baby move for the 1st time!!! I was at Brian’s football game vs Villanova and seeing it was a very exciting game I was jumping up and down and cheering really loud! Well… baby wanted to join in too and all of a sudden I felt this flutter in my belly! I guess she wanted to cheer for daddy too!!!  It worked they WON!!!!  After that I felt it a few more times so I am pretty sure that it was her saying hi!!! But, I was really looking forward to that flutter turning into real kicks (even though everyone says be careful what you wish for when she’s keeping you up at night… I don’t care I love it!!!)
October 4th – Another check up with my OB – almost 20weeks (I go every 4 weeks or so). Again a great appointment and Baby’s heartbeat was strong!  By now I definitely seem to have a belly and Dr Lambert even used the words “well I think you popped!” 
October 6th – (20wks 1day) – I think I felt baby’s 1st real kick today!!! I was at a work meeting all day and as I was sitting at the table I leaned back to stretch and I felt this quick push from inside… It happened a few other times that day and again that night! Since then I have felt it every day (usually at nighttime after dinner when I’m laying down) so I’m pretty sure that it’s my baby girl telling me she’s ok!
October 10th – Level 2 Ultrasound Day!!!!  I have been waiting so long for this appointment and was nervous but so excited for it to be here! First off the best part of the day was that along with Brian and I my mom and his mom came into town to join us at the appointment!!!  I was so happy they got to see a sneak peak of their granddaughter before anyone else!!!!  It meant so much to Brian and I that they both came from so far to share this experience with us!!!
A level 2 ultrasound is a more in depth view and assessment of the baby.  So the dr and technician look at and measure all the major organs and body parts to see if there are any possible problems or birth defects. Of course they give the disclaimer that it’s not 100% but everything looked normal so we are pretty confident that she is going to be healthy!!!  See her heart pump and her tiny hands open and close was the most amazing sight! It makes me want this 2nd half of the pregnancy to go even faster so I can hold her in my arms and tell her how much I love her!!! When they measured her they did say that she was measuring a head and gave a due date of February 18th… however I am going to ask my dr more about that because seeing as we went through IVF and our original due date of Feb 22nd which was an accurate  calculation I am not sure which to go by.  Sometimes babies have growth spurts and depending on when they are measured it can change dues dates by a few days… but I am glad she is measuring ahead vs behind… I guess I am doing a good job growing this little one.  And who knows maybe she will make her appearance on Feb 19th and give her daddy a great Birthday present!!!! 
Next OB appointment is November 4th…. More to come!!!
 Ultrasound Pictures  (20 weeks 5 days)

4 month Belly Pics (September 22nd - 18wks 1 day)

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Dear Hope,
So last week was a very eventful week… On Monday 8/22 I felt my very 1st earthquake and that same weekend Hurricane Irene came through the Northeast!!! It’s amazing all these major events and baby girl had no idea! I can’t wait to tell her one day… especially about the Hurricane! Brian and I packed a bag, bought supplies and spent the weekend at the Van Zile’s!!! Brian got a crash course on parenthood as we all slept in the basement together and tried to help entertain 2 little ones without any power! Luckily when we returned to our condo we had no damage and only had to deal with a power outage for a few days (which was not fun but it could have been worse!).  
Feeling great… it’s amazing how now that I am in my “2nd trimester” I feel like a new person! No naps and I can stay up past 9pm!!! I go to the dr next Friday so I can’t wait to hear the baby’s heartbeat… I know everything is ok but I always have that little piece of me that is worried something may be wrong! I guess considering what I have been through and the new Mommy anxiety… its probably normal!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

2nd Trimester here I come!!!

Dear Hope,
August 24th  ~ Today marks 14 weeks… I am officially in my 2nd trimester and loving every minute of it!!!!  I am still very tried and some days have the yucky nausea but nothing I can’t handle!  It has been so fun telling everyone and showing off my “bump”!!! I can’t even express how happy Brian and I are and already counting down the days until we meet our baby girl.
I have posted some “belly” pictures and as you can see I am growing by the day!!! In the one picture I am wearing a pin that says “3 months” – my mom bought me these (while in Arizona) and each month the pin gets a little bigger as my belly gets bigger.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

hope came through...

Dear Hope,
I know it has been a while since I have written but I have a good reason.  After we found out that we had 3 normal embryos Brian and I decided that we wanted to go ahead and plan the transfer of 2 embryos.  But in an effort to keep things a secret (more so in case something didn’t go as planned) I decided to take a break from writing.  I want to go into the whole story of the last few months (which is long) but I can’t keep the secret any longer…. 
                                                              I’m PREGNANT!!!!!!!!  
Ok so let’s take a step back because it wasn’t as easy as it sounds…
After finding out the normal PGD results in April we went right in to getting my body ready for the Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).  I continued to go for acupuncture every week and I again needed to do several medications (including more shots!! Boo!) to get my body ready for the transfer.  This took just over a month and on June 6th (Marisa & Mark’s birthday J) the drs said I was ready to go.  So Brian and I went up to the Morristown RMA office to see if luck was finally on our side.  Everything went great with the transfer and now it was a waiting game.  O… but this also meant I would start the Progesterone injections EVERY night in my backside! I hated them but I always told myself that if I had to continue to do the shots, it meant I was pregnant and I could handle that!
So just over a week later on June 14th I went in for the Blood Test to see if I was pregnant…  Anything over a 2Hcg level was a positive and sure enough mine came back at 50.1!!!!  A clear positive!!!!!  We were really excited but knew this was only the beginning of a very long journey that still may not end the way we wanted.  So I continued to stay “cautiously optimistic”.  2 days later I needed to go for a repeat test to make sure my Hcg level was rising. This was a little more complicated because Brian and I had left on the 15th to fly to Arizona for his sister Heather’s wedding.  But, no worries we found a LapCorp in Scottsdale and got blood taken there.  Results came in at 167!!!  A great a number but just to make sure my dr wanted me to go in on 6/19 for another test when I got back from AZ (actually on our way home from the airport after a long red eye flight).  Now my Hcg came in at 646… so pretty clear that levels were going up at a great rate- a sign of a viable pregnancy.
            June 21st – 4 weeks 6 days pregnant
Our 1st ultrasound- very tiny but very clear gestational sac was visible!!!  The sac was growing and a yolk sac was there.  (yolk sac is the source of nutrients for the embryo before the placenta develops).  1st milestone – completed!!!
            June 28th – 5 weeks 6 days pregnant (baby measuring 6wks1day)
Ultrasound – The 1st time we heard the heartbeat of our growing baby!!!  The dr warned us that it was very early and may not to be able to hear the heart yet but it was at a strong 105bpm.  This was the best sound ever!!! Brian and I were overjoyed but still so nervous.  It was hard to be excited when we went through this before and then suffered such a horrible loss. But we promised to stay positive.  (Also our 3 year wedding anniversary today)
            July 1st – 6 weeks 2 days pregnant
            Today we had a small scare… I had some bleeding so I called the dr and because    it was still early in the day they were able to have us come in for an ultrasound to see what was going on.  Luckily it was nothing major and the dr reassured me that everything on the ultrasound looked normal and the baby was growing with a heartbeat of 122bpm.  He just said to relax and no heavy lifting.

            July 5th – 6 weeks 6 days pregnant (baby measuring 6wks5days)
Today I went in for an unscheduled ultrasound because the day before I had a huge scare.  I starting to have horrible back pain, cramping and heavy bleeding.  I was convinced it was all over and I was losing my baby that I had once again working so hard for.  But to my surprise I went in and Dr Hock saw the little heart beating away.  The baby had continued to grow and now had a strong heartbeat of 144bpm.  The dr confirmed that I had a “Sub Chronic Hematoma” (SCH) – it’s prevalent in 25% of pregnancies and it’s a blood clot that forms during implantation between the sac and uterus.  It can be nothing or it can be very dangerous, causing a miscarriage.  In my case it was very small and the dr didn’t think it would affect my pregnancy and everything was going to be ok.  I wanted to believe her but I couldn’t help but think the worse.  Brian kept me positive and reassured me the baby would be ok.  For the next few weeks I was instructed to take it easy… go to work but then come home and rest. I was very ok with this seeing as I was at the point in the pregnancy that I was feeling pretty nauseous all day and extremely tired!!!
July 12th – 7 weeks 6 days pregnant (baby measuring 8wks2days)
Today’s appointment with Dr Hock went great! The ultrasound showed the baby was doing amazing!!! At a whopping 18.29mm and heartbeat of 178bpm it was clear that any danger I was in was gone.  The SCH had almost all cleared up and between my good blood work and positive ultrasound it was time RMA and Dr Hock said their goodbyes.  I was being released to the care of my regular OB and I sure didn’t feel ready.  I was about to go from seeing my baby grow every week and having weekly blood tests to make sure things were ok to being a “regular patient”.  It was a bittersweet moment for me… but I knew that this meant my dr was confident that my baby was doing great!
I still would have a few more blood test because I needed to continue the progesterone injections until 10 weeks – yes you read that right I was still getting stuck in the behind every night!!! Ugh!!!  I do have to give a thank you to my Mom, Gina and Kelly who helped me out while Brian was out of town visiting his mom. Unfortunately they all saw a new “side” of me but that’s what family and friends are for… to be there when you need someone most- so thank you!!!
June 25th – 9 weeks 5 days pregnant
My 1st OB appointment with Dr. Lambert.  Brian joined me and we were so nervous because it had now been almost 2 weeks without a checkup on the baby.  Now that may seem crazy because most people only get 2 maybe 3 ultrasounds their whole pregnancy – we were already on 5.  The dr was amazing and made us feel so comfortable.  She was well aware of our loss the year before and I gave her a quick update on how we got to this day.  She asked if we it would be ok if she did an ultrasound to see the baby for herself… well of course we had no objections!!!  It was amazing!!! We had been seeing this tiny image every week but never had it really resembled a baby, today we could see its tiny arms and legs!!!  I think we both cried a little… well I know I did!
August 11th – 12 weeks 1 day pregnant (NT Scan/ultrasound)
The day we had been nervously awaiting… (with my 1st pregnancy this was the ultrasound that we found out the baby didn’t have a heartbeat – worst day of my life). 
Brian and I sat in the exam room waiting for the tech to come in for what felt like an eternity.  She squeezed out the gel on my belly and my eyes were glued to the screen searching for the tiny heart to be beating.  There it was… tears came rolling down my face as Brian squeezed my hand and bent down to kiss me forehead.  We knew at that moment that everything was going to be ok.  As she moved the wand over my belly the baby moved around and we could see the tiny hands and feet moving.  The baby even had a few hiccups and we could see the whole body jump.  For the 1st time in 12 weeks I felt like it was real and that all our hard work was worth it. 
As you know we did the genetic testing on the embryos, because they look at every chromosome they also knew the sex of each embryo.  When we put the 2 embryos back in we choose to put the best 2 regardless of gender.  It just happened to be they were the same sex so after my records were released from RMA I thought I figured out was I was having… at this ultrasound the tech and the Dr confirmed the gender too…
We are having baby GIRL!!!!!!
Brian and I are so excited and happy to finally share our news with all our family and friends. The past 2 years have been very challenging but this was our journey and we have embraced it and never gave up.  After all our sacrifice and pain that we have been through we feel lucky that on (or around) February 22, 2012 we will be welcoming a new baby girl to our family. 
More updates to come…


Ultrasound Pictures

June 6th - embryos transferred

June 21st – 4 weeks 6 days pregnant (tiny dot in middle of the screen is the gestational sac)

June 28th – 5 weeks 6 days pregnant (hard to see but sac is dark spot on left of the screen)

July 1st – 6 weeks 2 days pregnant (baby measuring 6wks 1day)

July 5th – 6 weeks 6 days pregnant (baby measuring 6wks5days)
July 12th – 7 weeks 6 days pregnant (baby measuring 8wks2days)

August 11th – 12 weeks 1 day pregnant (NT Scan/ultrasound)
 Our Baby Girl

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Results Are In!!!

Dear Hope,
So the PGD genetic results are in…..  The 2 Embryos came back absolutely NORMAL!!!!!  I can’t even express how relieved and excited I am.  So now that we have a total of 3 embryos we can start planning and getting ready for the transfer.  Like I mentioned before, it will still be a while before the actual transfer day so keep the good thoughts and prayers coming our way.  The next few months will be about getting ready for the big transfer day.  Now, my next batch of worries will begin… just because the embryos are healthy doesn’t mean that my body will make a home for them and I will get pregnant.  But, I plan on doing everything that I can to make sure we have the best chance that there is!
Hopefully we will have some good news to share by football season!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Will Tomorrow Bring???

Dear Hope,
After an exhausting 2 weeks of waiting tomorrow the results of our genetic testing of our 2 embryos will be in.  Most people talk about the “2 week wait” being when they will find out if they are pregnant or not… for me I have been waiting just to find out if we can even attempt the transfer in a chance to become pregnant.  I have been trying so hard to be patient and stay positive but I am so nervous.  It’s hard to explain the feeling I have right now… a mix of excitement, nervousness, anxiety and fear.     I’m not sure if I want to cry or throw up!   
 Tomorrow’s results will determine so much.  Even though it will still be a while before I am ready for the transfer I am just hoping that we can finally move one step closer to our dream. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Dear Hope,
On Friday Brian and I had an appointment with my Dr to go over the past cycle, updates and what we can expect to happen next.  The 1st thing I asked was the results of the PGD genetic testing of our 2 embryos.  Unfortunately the results were not in yet and we probably won’t know for another week (don’t worry I will update as soon as I know).  But she did give us some insight on the quality and grading system prior to freezing of the embryos.  I will try to explain as best I can as it is kinda confusing. 
As I explained before the 1st grade an embryo receives in on Day 3 (post fertilization) – the lab looks at the number of cells and how well it is growing (normal is 8cells and best grade is a 1).  Then the lab will grade the embryo again when it reaches the blastocyst stage.  The 1st thing is a number grade and that is how well the fluid cavity within the embryo is expanding, the best grade is a 6 (kinda confusing because it’s the opposite from the Day 3 grade but stay with me…).  Then there are 2 letter grades, the 1st letter represents the grade of the cells within the embryo that actually make up the baby and the 2nd letter is the grade of cells that make up the part which will become the placenta. (The best is to have an AA although my dr said that a A’s & B’s are very good and only concerned if it’s a C or D) Ok still with me….  Now all this is great but even with a perfect “grade” there still could be something wrong with the embryo or the genetic testing could come back abnormal, but it’s still a good evaluation.  So what does this all mean for us…. Our embryo that was frozen in December had a Grade of 6AA!!!!  The best it could be and as I have shared before, it was tested and is chromosomally normal.  As for the most recent 2 embryos, they were given a Grade of 6BB and 5BB.  So not perfect but still a very good score. 
We left the appointment still feeling very nervous and anxious to hear the results of the genetic test but feeling very optimistic and hopeful that at least one will be normal. 
If at least one of the two is normal then we will proceed with the process of doing a frozen embryo transfer.  This actually will take a few months before it can happen as I will once again need to start some medications and injections to prepare my body for the transfer.  As much as I wish this was a right now type of thing I understand and want to make sure that I make the best “home” possible for my little "Embies" or as Brian would say the “Bros”. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Day!!!!

Dear Hope,
For once I am actually excited and really happy to write this entry…
We got the call that 2 EMBRYOS made it!!!!!!
 I can’t believe it… I have been hoping and praying for just one and we have two! So now they cyrofreeze both of them and will perform the PGD genetic testing.  If they are normal then we can schedule a transfer (probably will be in a few months) and hopefully finally reach our goal of starting a family.  
This feeling of happiness makes it all worth it!
Of course I am still nervous and will be until the results of the Genetic test comes back…. and I am sure I will continue to be nervous until we are holding a healthy baby in our arms.  But, for now I am going to enjoy the feeling of happiness that I have and continue to HOPE that our dream will finally come true!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Holding on to HOPE

Dear Hope,

It’s been a long day of waiting and finally I got a call.  Well, I actually had to call and request a call back from the nurse because somehow there was a mix up and I wasn’t on the list to be called.  But, I did get some updates.  When they checked my embryos I still had 5 ongoing Embryos!!!! 
Of the 5, 2 embryos were at a GRADE 1 which is the BEST they can be (and I think that means they are at Blastoscyst stage) and 3 were still at the Morula Stage (still haven’t fragmented, so one step below blast).  The standard procedure is to push the embryos to Day 6 when freezing and doing the PGD genetic testing so one more day to go.  Like I have experienced in the past anything can happen hour to hour, day to day so I am still really nervous but HOLDING ON TO HOPE!!!!

Picture of a normal embryo at Morula Stage

Picture of a normal embryo at Blastocyst Stage

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 3... Check up on our Embryos

Dear Hope,
Today was our 1st status update with our embryos.  The good news is that ALL 7 embryos are still viable and growing.  The ok news is that they are just “average” quality.  I spoke with the dr and she seemed very cautious to lead me in any way, either positive or negative.  This being because of our history she is still concerned has no way of predicting what our final outcome will be. 
 We had 6 Embryos that were Grade 3 and 1 that was a Grade 2 (1 being best 5 being worst).  She also said that we had 2 with 6 cells, 2 with 7 cells, 1 with 8 cells and 2 with 10 cells.  When the embryology lab grades an embryo they look at several factors and one factor is that at Day 3 an embryo should be at 8 cells. 
Anything can happen between Day 3 and Day 5/6 and that is why I think the dr was very cautious in giving me the update.  In the past we have had embryos that look great at Day 3 and yet never make it the Blastocyst Stage (usually happened by day 5 or 6).  Our ultimate GOAL is for at least 1 embryo to get to the Blast stage so they can freeze it and prepare it for the PGD Genetic Test.
So…  Although I wish the news was that they were all perfect and they were guaranteed to make it to the blast stage, I know that it is unrealistic and I guess I am just happy that all 7 are still viable at this point.
Please keep the Prayers and Good thoughts coming… next update will be Saturday (Day 5). 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

DAY 1... Check!

Dear Hope,
I know I said one day at a time and today was definitely a good day!  My nurse emailed me today with the results of my fertilization report.  Of the 12 eggs retrieved, 8 were mature (which they then did the ICSI process- scientific way of saying they made the magic happen) and ….  7 fertilized!!!!!  This is my best fertilization rate yet!!!
SO now I just have to HOPE that all 7 EMBRYOS are strong, healthy and keep on progressing!!!!!  Next milestone is for them to get to Day 3 which is Thursday.  The dr will call with the update and hopefully be able to give me the status of each embryo.
So far so good…  1 day down only 5 to go!
I have a feeling this will be the longest week ever!

Monday, April 11, 2011

12 Lucky Eggs!!!!!

Dear Hope,
I am home and resting but have good news to report. They were able to retrieve 12 eggs!!!  Very fitting because my dad and sister are in town visiting and the #12 has always been my dad’s (and kinda mine) lucky number!!!! It’s a great starting point but now is when the real work has to happen.  They are probably fertilizing the eggs right now and we will find out tomorrow how many were mature and how many fertilized.  I am so nervous but staying positive and that we have healthy embryos! This week is going to be long and stressful but everything is out of my hands at this point and I have to HOPE that our embryos are strong and make it to Day 5.  But, one day at a time and tomorrow is a big one!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Looking for the Golden Egg

Dear Hope,
Tomorrow is the Big Day!
Today’s monitoring went well… My Ultrasound looked good and blood work came back at appropriate levels (BLOOD LEVELS:  E2 Level: 1273 / HCG Level: 113 /P4 Level: 1.86) so we are definitely on for my Egg Retrieval tomorrow! I am also looking forward to the arrival of my sister and my dad.  They are on their way from Buffalo to come help us out for a few days! Well… almost on their way.  My dad will be arriving from his vacation in Arizona at 4:30pm and my sister will be picking him up from the airport and they will be on their way.  They should get into NJ around 1am… I am going to owe them big time!!!! I wish it was under different circumstances but just excited and so grateful that they will be here!  
 Hoping that they will retrieve some strong, healthy, mature eggs but All I really need is ONE “GOLDEN” EGG!!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Trigger Tonight!

Dear Hope,
So its official… tonight I “trigger”.  What that really means is that I tonight I will inject 2 prefilled syringes of Ovidril.  This is a medicine that will jump start ovulation, basically getting my follicles and eggs ready for retrieval.   When I was in for my ultrasound today I had a little disappointment… for some reason my left ovary hasn’t been responding to the meds.  Dr said that it was “slacking” this month and that I probably am only looking at around 8-10 eggs (most from right ovary) on Retrieval day.  I am hoping that it’s about quality not quantity.  Staying positive… we only need one good one!
Tomorrow morning I go one last time for monitoring of blood work and an ultrasound, just to make sure all is good. Then Monday will be the big day! Hoping this will be my last Retrieval! 
Please cross your fingers, cross your toes, say an extra prayer for us… we need this to work!
(4/9 ~ BLOOD LEVELS: E2 Level: 1060 / P4 Level: 0.596)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Slow and Steady....

Dear Hope,
I went for blood work and an ultrasound Tuesday and today… not too much to report.
4/5 : BLOOD LEVELS: E2 Level: 148 / P4 Level: 0.302
4/7: BLOOD LEVELS:  E2 Level: 490 / P4 Level: 0.359
Things are moving along a little slower than how I “normally” progress.  I asked the dr this morning if that was ok and he said, that it was fine and maybe this means we will have a better outcome.  I sure hope so…. Slow and steady hopefully wins the race.  But as you all know me I am definitely not the slow and steady type (tying to take tips from Brian on this one).  This whole process has thought me patience so I am trying to stay positive and calm.  I have another acupuncture appointment tomorrow so hopefully this will help calm my nerves.  I also have really been feeling the side effects of the injectable meds... nausea, headache, fuzziness, forgetfulness, cramping, bloating, weight gain, hot flashes and did I miss anything? of course the mood swings! You would think by #5 I would get used to this but, when you feel like you are not yourself it can be really hard. But, like I ALWAYS say…. It will all be worth it!!!!
Next step… Blood work and Ultrasound on Saturday morning to checkup on my “baby eggs”!  

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Support System

Dear Hope,
To: My support system
The last 2 years of my life have been a roller coaster and I am very fortunate to have people in my life who have supported me every step of the way.  If I have shared this blog with you it means that I think you are an important part of my life and I consider you part of my support system.  It was a big decision I had to make when I decided to start this blog and share all of my inner most feelings and thoughts with our friends and family.  A decision that was not just mine, I had to make sure that Brian was ok with it too.  I have trusted you all with our story and our struggle and have appreciated all of the support that we have received from you.  It may be as simple as a much needed phone call from an old friend, a ride from the dr when Brian couldn’t be there or even the upcoming road trip from my dad and sister who are coming to help us on this next cycle.  Each of these things and many others are reasons why each of you are such an important part of my support system (My Village).   
Trust and Loyalty is something that I take very serious and hope… No I know, that if I have shared with you that you have respected that.  I just hope that one day I can be there for you the way you have all been there for me. 